Calling all Assisted Site Ebay Users Change your Password

Here on the online business reef we use eBay as one of our assisted site selling practices. Currently we have over 5 different accounts. So you can imagine our chagrin when we found out that the site had been hacked and we had to change all of our passwords.


According to an eBay press release dated 5-21-2014 their site suffered a cyber-attack to a non-financial database. They assured us that no user accounts were changed. But that we should change our passwords as a best practice. The funny thing was there was no formal announcement on eBay just a message to do it or else! Then the whole system went down to make accessing eBay almost impossible.

So I guess the lesson to be learned here is to maybe be upfront with your customers to help them understand a little bit better why you are making them waste time in their day for no apparent reason. If they would have said we were the victims of an attack up front then changing the passwords becomes a critical “no-brainer” task and you would get no grumbling from me.

We already use very long, and strict passwords, on our accounts. Courtesy of a program called Roboform, we dont have to remember them all. And it allows us to do crazy secure passwords. Or if you are dont trust computers you can use a book to hand write them all, The Personal Internet Address & Password Logbook (Red), is a best seller on Amazon and worth the money.