111 Strategies to Drive Massive Amounts of Traffic to a New Site

- Add a referral bonus to your site to give your current customers a reason to refer friends. Some examples of a bonus are as follows:
- Percentage off coupon for their next order. Make it good though more than 5%.
- Monetary bonus, I know of one site that gives $15.00 for every referral that orders a product.
- Free gift, anything will work but make it useful and interesting.
- Gift card to a nationwide restaurant chain, shopping store, or a fast food establishment.
- Start and send out a newsletter on a regular bases. Make it fun and interesting. Of course you will need to setup a subscribe list to get a list to send to.
- Hand out a business card to everyone you meet. No matter who they are just give them one. The may throw it away but it is an inexpensive way to get traffic to your website. Try and make the card all about your web address and not much more.
- Print a digital coupon and post it everywhere for people to use and go to your site to redeem. Couple this with a like or follow on social media and you can gain a large following quickly, that is if your offer is good enough.
- If you are able you may want to consider an online chat feature so your customers can have instant access to ask questions, place orders, and take care of any customer service issues.
- Create a link to your site on your email signature. That way every email you send out will have the ability to get someone to come to your site. Consider some fun ways to get people to come to your site by telling them about a fun article or offering them a special discount or offer.
- There is no better way to get a free story or content then by asking your website users, customers, or readers to share their story about your site, their success with it, or an interaction with your product.
- Find the movers and shakers in your industry, interesting people, or just the people who are working hard in your niche and interview them or do a feature story on them.
- Make a decal or sticker for your business and include it in every order that you send out. You would be surprised how many people will put a sticker in a visible place so others can see it, sometimes even on their car if it is cool enough.
- Put a newsletter or flyer in every package you send out, this should have any specials, new products, and other cool information about your products.
- You can also give away a free gift for every sales lead, product you send out, or service job you do. People love free stuff and if you accompany it with a thank you note.
- Ask your vendors if you can leave some business cards with them, ask them if they would recommend your business to their other customers.
- Always post a business card on every bulletin board you see.
- Leave a business card on the table of a busy coffee shop or restaurant.
- Enter your business card in every contest for a free lunch you see make sure it is visible and on top.
- If you are in a relevant business make a punch card where the customer gets a free something after they purchase a set amount of products. A local restaurant gives away free meals after ten purchased and I use their frequent punch card a lot.
- Use a feedback plugin for your WordPress installation, this will help people give real time feedback about your site or products.
- Make a testimonial page on your website and fill it full of what people are saying about you. Share that page or make it prominent on your site so people can see real feedback. It is also OK to have some bad feedback as long as you follow it up with how you fixed the issue.
- Do a fan, customer, or vendor spotlight on your site. Focus on people who have interacted with you and showcase them, their thoughts, and interaction with your company.
- Don’t forget promotional items. People love free items so put your name on it. Stick to hats, shirts, and wearable items if the budget will allow as people will tend to wear items and those will be more visible than a pen, flashlight, or other promotional item.