Ebay Users Beware They Now Have a New Image Policy

So I am used to having strict photo guidelines being a user on Amazon. But now it seems eBay is following suit and requiring all users to comply with their new photo regulations with their new image policy. The thing with eBay is there is no real fun way to change out bad photos, you either have to do it one by one or in bulk with a listing program.
So no more of this…

And lots more of this…

But anyway whatever eBay says you have to do if you want to sell on their site. So what are the new regulations?
- The most impactful one is that all photos need to be a minimum width of 500px. So why does this matter? Well a lot of vendors we work with have photos a lot smaller than that to maximize their website loading times. It is not uncommon to get a photo around 300px to 450px. So now we have to change all the photos out that we mass uploaded with ones that I dont even think some of our vendors have.
- Next you cannot use borders, text, or artwork like seller logos on the photos. So that made me a little frustrated because I thought, hey why dont I just add some borders, text, and other colorful boxes to get the photos to minimum width. Well NO SIREE on that one!
- And finally the watermark policy has changed and eBay has given the following guidelines:
“Watermarks are allowed for ownership and attribution, but not for marketing information, specific details about your item, or customer service. Your watermark should be no bigger than 5% of the total image area, have an opacity of no more than 50%, and never obscure the item. Links are not allowed in watermarks.” - I dont know why they even need to mention this, but as a rule every listing has to have at least one photo. I mean come on, why would you even list something without a photo? And finally no more using stock photos for used items. Some exceptions apply so read up if you use stock photos.
So get those photos updated or soon they will pull down your listings. At least eBay has made it easy for you by letting you know which listings need updating and they are giving you until September to comply. So get busy eBayers and start clicking that shutter. Hey but eBay is quick to point out the listings with these photo requirements and great quality are 5% more likely to sell. WooHoo!