5 Great Websites to Sell Automotive Parts On

So you want to sell automotive parts or start your own automotive parts business? And who wouldn’t, that is how I got my start. When I started there was only one option to sell auto parts online and make a living at it. Now there are several and we want to take a little of your time to discuss a few of them.
eBay – this site is still the best. It allows you to sell both entire vehicles and parts for these vehicles. What makes this site number 1 on our list is the amount of traffic they generate to your listings, the relatively easy process in getting setup, and the quick amount of time to your first sale. There is a lot of competition on eBay and you will have to deal with that. Also the customer base is not the same to deal with as in our second option Amazon. So you will have to dedicate some time to customer service. So if you want to start an automotive parts business then you have to give eBay a try.
Amazon – this is the second best option in selling automotive parts. The main obstacle you will have to overcome is that you need permission to sell in their automotive category and they have a pretty stringent set of requirements. If you can qualify for this then you should setup an Amazon account. Listings are free so you can amass a huge catalog of parts and easily manage inventory. Amazon has their own payment system so you wont get your money quickly like on eBay but they have a huge traffic following and generate a lot of eyeballs on your product. Once cool thing about Amazon is their fulfillment service where you can send them any new product that qualifies for sale to their warehouse and the will sell it, pack, and ship it.
JustParts.com – just parts is an marketplace dedicated to the selling of automotive parts. This is cool as you wont be competing with other vendors of various sundries for their shopping dollars. You can list an unlimited amount of parts for free and they have a year make and model look up to make buyers searches even quicker to the right part. If you have parts on eBay they have an import service but we have not seen if this works real well. They have a fair amount of traffic but nowhere near what the big 2 have but they charge a lot less in fees.
PartingOut.com – while this is a different site it still is worth mentioning. Not all of us want to, or have the ability to sell new parts. If you like to sell used parts, or part out cars then this site is for you. There is a lot of money being made in the parting out of vehicles. Most of the used vehicles for certain models, like Jeeps, are bought in our local area by such sellers. So if this is your thing then this site is for you.
Shopify and Sophio – both of these sites are worth mentioning because they are turnkey sites. While shopify requires you to list your own products they provide you with an eCommerce platform that will allow you to sell your parts on line in their shopping network. Sophio is a turnkey parts store that allows you to sell a ton of automotive parts in your own store that they manage. Both of these options have a monthly subscription charge starting at $75.00 and up to $275.00 a month. But if you just want to step into a turn key business then this may be the best option.
There are many other great places to sell auto parts online and if you know of any then leave a comment below. We have found that these options allowed us to start selling right away. When you have a little bit of success right away it helps motivate you to do more. And that is why we chose these examples.