4 Website Legal Disclaimers You Should Have Now!

Just because you have a website does not give you license to say whatever to whomever you want. If you say something or print something or sell something you could be liable for it. This includes the use of copyrighted material, photos and videos, and other licensed material.

Check out these 4 website legal disclaimers

In order to protect yourself you should use legal disclaimers and copyright notices on your website. At the very least you should use these 4 statements. We do not offer any links to places to get these sites because nothing can replace good legal advice which we suggest you get.

But if you want to do things free just do a search for these on Google with the keyword free and you should pull up several reputable sites with free policy generators.


Privacy Statement – because your website will most likely collect data of any kind you need to have a privacy statement to state that you are handling this data according to the law. Even if all you are doing is collecting emails for a newsletter you should have this statement.

Website Terms and Conditions – this is the second most important disclaimer and if you only have two, then it should be this one and a privacy statement. This basically is an agreement between the website owner and the users who come to your site. It will grant a license to users under certain guidelines.

Website Disclaimer – at the very least if you dont want to put a lot of legal jargon on your site you should have a website disclaimer. This will help define your liabilities and any attempt to reduce such limitations of those liabilities.

Copyright Notice – you may want to have a broad or simple copyright notice to let users know how and when they can use information on your site as well as how you will enforce infringement.

Other disclaimers may include the following;

  • Affiliate notice – if you sell from affiliates you should have a notice stating that you may make income from endorsing a product.
  • Cookies policy if it is not strongly outlined in your privacy statement.
  • Anti-Spam policy if it is not outlined in your privacy statement.
  • Linking Policy if you expect a lot of inbound links to your site.

Remember that disclaimers and notices are not a measure to avoid seeking good legal counsel. But by not having these disclaimers on your website you may open yourself up to additional legal issues down the road.