Our Upgrade to IPhone 6 from IPhone 5 Six Month Review

Our Upgrade to IPhone 6 from IPhone 5 Six Month Review

So we have had our IPhone 6 regular size not that super-sized fablet. And I wanted to give it some time to marinate in my phone usage juices before I gave my two cents on the phone. I upgraded from the regular IPhone 5 to the new IPhone 6 when I learned that I could not get a new IPhone 5 for any less. Whatever, I loved my IPhone 5 and when mine took a…

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Best Selling Technology, Video, and Electronic Tech Gear

Best Selling Technology, Video, and Electronic Tech Gear

We love gear, especially when it gets all techie. But there is also a lot of stuff we need that is just plain boring but necessary. I always wanted a way to share some of the cool stuff that we use and also share some of the best selling items in the video, electronics, software and other cool categories. So lets see what the best selling technology gear looks like and lets keep adding to…

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Why You Should Be A Life Long Learner

Why You Should Be A Life Long Learner

There is a great way to make sure you are continually improving yourself, and that is to become a life long learner. A great concept on this white paper but what does it really mean. I mean aren’t we all learning in life, isn’t it the reason we are here, and the purpose of life. Well before I wax philosophical I should probably just backtrack and state the real reason for this article. There are…

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10 Things We Did To Speed Up The Load Time Of Our Website

10 Things We Did To Speed Up The Load Time Of Our Website

As you know one thing that happened when Google did their Panda Penguin update is they looked at the usability factor of peoples website. In other words how engaging is your site, and with that metric, how fast does it deliver that content. A slow website is a bad website because users may click off before it loads. Ours was slow. To much crap going on everywhere and to many things loading. So I decided…

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WordPress Theme Review of Simplify a 1 Star Theme

WordPress Theme Review of Simplify a 1 Star Theme

Touted as the perfect simple theme for small business by 5dCreation it definitely hits the mark for being simple and elegant. When I first downloaded this theme I was excited about the look of it and the ease of use. But as I dug further into the theme I found it wanting. The Simplify Theme Looks Like it Will Deliver but Falls Short This theme is by 5dCreation who seems to have quite a few…

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Add Email Signup Hook in Social Media to your New Website

Add Email Signup Hook in Social Media to your New Website

One thing you want to do is make sure you get in touch with your audience. There are a couple of ways you can do this, one is to have an email signup page and the other is to hook into social media. I dont want you to think you should choose, the best thing you can do is to do both things. The First Thing is to Add an Email Signup One important thing…

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Write 7-10 Articles for Each New Website you Start

Write 7-10 Articles for Each New Website you Start

The first thing that you want to do is to get on the radar of Google and other search engines so they know that this is a relevant site and worthy to crawl the pages you have just put up. You would be surprised how quickly this can happen if you are writing good content. To begin with you should right about 7-10 good content and long tail key word rich articles that are at…

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How to Setup the Main Navigation and Menu Structure

How to Setup the Main Navigation and Menu Structure

Your menu system and navigation is how your users will navigate throughout the site. It is important that your site is easily navigable and that the menu levels are not to deep. Nothing is as frustrating as having cascading menus more than two levels deep. Reserve those only for eCommerce stores. But for now you should plan on your navigational strategy. Consider that most templates are going to have the ability to make as many…

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2015 Simple Marketing Plan for an Automotive Online Site

2015 Simple Marketing Plan for an Automotive Online Site

Our goal here is to show how we have built our small business online here, so that you can learn some of our techniques and hopefully employ them on your own sites or build your own online business. I can tell you if I can do this then anyone can. We started with one person and know we have over 4 full time guys and two part timers. It has been a wild ride for…

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Top 7 Things we Did to Recover from a Panda Penguin Update

Top 7 Things we Did to Recover from a Panda Penguin Update

As you all may know by now the latest Panda Penguin update from Google happened about a couple of months ago. But I was to busy with my head in the sand working on other things to notice. But after seeing significant drops in traffic in November and December I pulled my head out an looked around and noticed this decline right after Penguin 3.0 hit. So I decided to do some research and find…

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