How a Young Entrepreneur Writes an Article

As a writer you spend a lot of time thinking about writing. That seems really obvious and not much more can be said about it. But if you’re like me, I’m a perfectionist. I hate it when I don’t like what I write. I can’t stand it when I feel like the content is sub par or maybe even, one of my videos is. But then I get mixed in the bad world of procrastination and that really starts to cause problems. Because most of the time with the work that I do everything has a due date. So when I have “writers block” I start to really get down on myself and on my actual content and then when the due date ends up being a day away I cram and push until the content ends up being the exact thing I didn’t want.
So… What do you do with that? Because I feel like everything I make needs to be 100% percent all the time, how do I get anything done? Let me tell you! I write content that I know a lot about. I have recently tried writing about things I had clearly not grasp on and doing that always back-fired, and 10 times out of 10 my content came out bad. So now I pick something that I know a crap load about and I write about it. I don’t talk about what’s popular or what’s current news. I just write articles about the things that I believe I know. It’s not hard, it’s not easy… But, it makes me happy in the content I write and it’s never sub par, at least in my estimation.