Why the Young Entrepenuer Should come Prepared to make Mistakes

So let’s take a look at ourselves. We all make mistakes. Some worse than others. Some more intentional than others. But at the end of the day the mistake was made… Have you ever heard the phrase:
Quote-“Humans aren’t perfect”?
Why do you think people emphasize this so much? And why do you think people use it as an excuse to do stupid stuff? I find that very interesting… I’m 17 right now and one of my biggest pet peeves is people of my same age saying we aren’t perfect so I can make mistakes. Or using certain excuses as another way of justifying the mistake they made. Now, I can see where they are coming from and all. But to me, it’s being used as an escape to make stupid decisions. Which in turn is why I chose this title. Mistakes happen. I’ve made many in my life and so have you. It’s not about how you make the mistake it’s about how much you can stand and roll with the punches and correct them.
A good example of this is when you see someone who has that attitude of becoming the most independent person they can be. Trying to figure it all out before they even know what it means to become an adult? Those people are a prime example of not being prepared for a mistake. Becoming an expert at something means you are independent enough to ask for help. Not free loading or anything like that. But asking for help so your life is improving with the help of others.
A crazy thought for me, but that’s always been the way I have looked at.
I heard this very astounding thing today, my co-worker said “I am quitting” granted this doesn’t really affect me in any way, but I would like to know exactly why or what this persons motives were. This person said and I quote: “I would rather live pay check to pay check, than lose my independence”. Just because this person was having some problems with their job performance. To me that’s just a mistake waiting to happen. I’ve never had to deal with something like this. But I will share something that someone close to me once told me.
He said: “Instead of trying to find something they enjoyed and work at that. They found an excuse to take the easy way out, and quit”.
I agree with this to a point. I think in some circumstances things don’t work out. But in this case, it was pure lack of a work ethic. So please if you take anything away from this I want you to remember this. Life isn’t supposed to be easy or fun all the time. Mistakes will happen no matter how hard we try to avoid them. But instead of using the mistake as a shield. Use it as a motivation and get out and grind some more. Use this article to motivate yourself and GET GOING!
So why make mistakes? So you can learn and grow. Simply mistakes are the water you need to grow and succeed.
Mistakes I Made at Work: 25 Influential Women Reflect on What They Got Out of Getting It Wrong, Named by Fast Company as a “Top 10 Book You Need to Read This Year”